Wednesday, January 19, 2011

chocolate critique

Just for the fun of it, Joel and I have decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if we sample and critique a chocolate bar.  I was thinking weekly would be a good time frame in hopes that it would get me off my daily chocolate habit.
We will try different stores each week in our effort to broaden our knowledge of Vancouver streets.  Today we chose Mein Hardt on the corner of Granville and 14th Ave.

Today we made a very hard decision and went with Dolfin 88% Dark from West Africa.  Until today I did not know that Chocolate was grown in Africa.  The bar though was made in Belgium.
So first we rate the packaging.... clean, classy and simple lines.
Priced at $3.49 and weighing in at 30 grams it is not big enough to share.....
We did share and I am left wanting.
Are you tempted yet?
A little known fact is that good quality chocolate always makes me sneeze.
No, I am not allergic..... I would never admit to that.
Anyway, the sneeze factor on this one was very high.

A solid resounding snap when bitten into.  Neither overly sweet or too bitter.  Satisfying chocolate taste which slowly melted over the palate.
We give this one a thumbs up


  1. Hi. I feel like I already know both of you very well. I'm a friend of Grandma Gail. Also, Daddy Grant has spent some time in my house in Minnedosa.

    My husband and I are praying for both of you and your families. I see your treatments are to be done in about nine months, the time to produce a baby. Is there revelence in this????? Time to produce a whole new life.

    Would like to keep in touch and will keep you in my prayers.

    Sandy & John Wiebe

  2. Haha! I want to see more chocolate reviews! Actually, I want to come down and help you review the chocolates. What fun!
