During my three weeks with Joel in Vancouver I got him all shades of green and weak in the knees. I had to bribe him with smoothies in order to pry him out of his bed. We also got lots of rain and snow.
But this month….
Grant gets to take him for bike tours through Vancouver.
It is sunny and beautiful out.
These are the beautiful paths they bike along.
Today they biked to Granville Island.
They get to bike past beautiful houses like this.
Joel is doing so well this time around that he has been biking from RM House to the hospital, getting his chemo treatment and biking back home after.
They get Canucks tickets next week.
Joel is not green and he has not thrown up for Grant once. He is just happy and adventurous.
Here I am at home. It was -20 this morning. The vacuum broke and I got to fix it. The front door handle fell off and I got to learn how to install a new one. I got a family of woodpeckers trying to build a new home in my house. There is a leak under the kitchen sink but I am not gonna get to fix it. I AM NOT! I am going to pretend I didn't know about it and let Grant fix it when he gets home next week.
I am not bitter though cause I also got chocolate in the mail and a girl can't be bitter when she gets chocolate in the mail.